Tuxedo Wine & Spirits
Addressing Break-in and Theft Along With Long Police Response Times in Alcohol & Tabacco Stores

Tuxedo Wine & Spirits required a solution capable of addressing quick break-ins and thefts and mitigating risks of longer police response times. Through the proficient implementation by Sirko International, MyShield was effectively integrated into Tuxedo Wine & Spirits infrastructure, leading to a significant risk reduction by knowing that criminals would be hard-pressed to steal what they can’t see.
Integrator: Sirko International
Customer: Tuxedo Wine & Spirits
Three River Firearms
Safeguarding High-risk Retail Assets Due to Their High Value and Easy Resale Potential

A recent installation of MyShield at Three River Firearms exemplifies the effectiveness of integrated the system into the store’s existing security infrastructure in order to provide an additional layer of security and safety.
Integrator: Sirko International
Customer: Three River Firearms